This blog began on a whim and partly out of frustration. Recently, a friend sent me this short article on the loc revolution. It eventually led me down this spiral of watching hairstyle tutorials on YouTube. I realized that I wasn't really using my locs as an extension of myself. Everyday I get up, put on clothes that I love, maybe do some makeup, but I seriously neglect my hairstyle. When I started growing locs, it was because I had grown tired of the monotony of my afro. I had fallen into the same pattern of never changing my hairstyle to suit my mood. So, this is the whim part. I wanted to document my loc journey and have it public for all vegans to see. When I first began, I scoured the internet looking for tips and tricks for kinky vegan hair. Surprisingly, there was little to be found so I pretty much just went with what I felt was best.
The frustration part happened a bit more slowly. When I first became vegan, the movement was solely about food for me. All I knew was that I didn't like killing things, and I wanted to know how to replace all of my favorite vegetarian things. As the years progressed, I started caring more about beauty products. One thing I noticed was that many 100% cruelty free companies completely disregarded people of color. It became infuriating to go through site after site, never seeing makeup that matched my skin tone. Several places I looked at in the beginning of my veganism didn't even have foundation beyond an olive color. Additionally, I had trouble finding answers to my problems as an African American female. What should I use for my hair? Is there lotion that actually keeps me moisturized? What companies have makeup for my skin color?
This blog is dedicated to compiling those answers. I plan to discuss beauty, document my locs, explore veganism, pop culture, and feminism. I feel like all of these things are interconnected and really, truly matter. Especially pop culture. Hopefully, it will be a fun time.